Back to School for YOU!

Now I’m back in Jersey and its “back to school” time!
My kids are young adults now so the theme of the month doesn’t really apply to me in the same way that it used to. Now it’s morphed into “back to reality.”
Summer is great, easy and fun. It seems that even where there is a lot of work, it’s all easier to digest because the sun is shining, my tan is brewing and I just feel better.
So this month, my goal is to get “back to” whatever is most important and remove whatever is not serving me. That means, things that don’t bring me joy OR money!  Those are my priorities, in that order.
This is my September month “back to” list and if I make the time, I will have the time – and so will you. #NoExcuses #NonNegotiables
1.  If you’ve been following me, you know that fitness and movement brings me joy.  In order to stay accountable, I enter the fitness plan into my calendar along with alerts, reminders and a buffer of time afterwards for a shower. To keep things easy, I just indicate “repeat” so each week is full for the month, and then I’ll switch it up for next month.
2. Focus on work projects that combine joy with the ability to make money. This eliminates a lot of the distractions that I bring into my life. I’m a sucker for a shiny opportunity.
3. Continue to be present, regardless of me being at work or with family and friends.  Staying focused on the task at hand has always been a struggle for me, but I am getting better.
4. Schedule a new connection each week for the month of September – I only have this week covered, but I will set a reminder on my calendar so I can be on track with this. I’ve found that reaching out to new people each week has really expanded my opportunities, my network and my growth. It’s very rewarding.
That’s all.
I don’t need to get into the weeds, I need to keep these reminders front and center.
Will you do this with me? Make your list of 5 or less things that you either want to get “back to” or you want to start. Let’s be accountable to one another.
The noise will always enter the mix, but I can be present with the noise, decide if it’s worth my time and attention, and still have time to keep myself healthy and filled with joy. A few of the “back to” items on my September list will probably roll over into October, at at some point they won’t need to be on a list, they will just happen.
I am here to remind you that you can control what you do when you make the time.
Despite being in the middle of your divorce, you can begin to heal, you can begin to create a space that is quiet and brings you happiness, you can begin make new friends, you can begin to learn a new skill – it’s all up to you.
Just stay accountable to yourself, and tap into your support.  It’s really that simple.
If you are divorced and stuck in your new chapter – you are not alone. Navigating your new path is exciting and overwhelming at the same time. So make a plan, set your goals and start working towards them.

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