Attorneys & Family Law + Divorce Rights + Preparing for Divorce + Types of Divorce

Divorce is nothing if not extremely personal. Your divorce is probably not going to look like your coworker’s divorce, and may not resemble your own parents’ divorce in the slightest. Whether you are thinking about divorce, you need help navigating the legalities of divorce, or you’re looking for help moving forward after your divorce, exEXPERTS is on your side. You’ll find incredible resources, practical suggestions, and honest answers to questions about divorce at exEXPERTS including:

  • How to find the right divorce attorney
  • Understanding your rights during a divorce
  • How to prepare for filing for divorce
  • Learning about different types of divorce
  • And many more divorce topics…

Mindset is critical & decisions shouldn’t be emotional. Attorneys from My Happy Divorce guide us through pitfalls that men & women make in their divorces.

Marriages can be saved even if only ONE partner wants to stay married. See what our exEXPERT has to say about using Discernment Therapy to discuss divorce.

What if you want to stay in your marriage? Discernment Therapy can help couples identify the strengths in their relationship. Maybe it can work, or not.

Boundaries, methods of communication, who works for you, billing, etc, etc, etc. There are so many things to know before you begin!

Your relationship with your attorney is one of the most important parts of the process. You want someone you can trust, who is a healthy advocate for you.

Focus on what’s most important; the kids. Easier said than done, but there are some practical ways to stay on track for everyone’s benefit,including yours.

Divorce attorneys aren’t the only solution when facing divorce. There are multiple resources to help you resolve your marital issues, & can save you money!

When thinking about divorce you may believe the first or only option is to find the right attorney. But what do the other options look like?

The stigma of divorce is out there, and change is up to us. Let’s normalize the fact that many marriages don’t work. Stop judging, start supporting!

Divorce is not about winning. In fact, the less you care about being right, and getting everything you want, the happier you’ll be!

Would you rather be happy, or would rather be right? Sometimes deciding what you truly want out of a divorce can help you take ownership of the outcome.

Susan Guthrie is speaking about social media and how what you post can come back to haunt you in court and beyond!

Social media during your divorce negotiations could compromise your options. On the other hand, it’s also a way to investigate your ex, but be careful!

James and John share their sides of the Divorce Story so we can learn and better understand the guys’ perspective on divorce.

A divorce lawsuit (Part 2) can be very expensive partly due to the amount of paperwork and info. that needs to be collected. Learn what you need to know.

Divorce litigation can be complicated, very expensive, and emotional. If you can keep your eyes on the end-game, you can avoid some of the waste.

Going to court to settle your divorce is the most expensive and most emotionally difficult type of divorce. Part 1 talks about what you need to know.

Litigation is worst case scenario with divorce, however, if you are heading in that direction, you need to be prepared and Ruth Kim answers our questions.

What counts as abuse? ALL abuse is abuse. Understanding the pervasiveness of psychological abuse can save someone’s life. Here are the warning signs.

Kate Miller, in-house attorney at a women’s shelter, helps us understand domestic violence & abuse and how to get help.

The legal side of domestic abuse, emotional abuse and all abuse is important. Knowing your rights as a victim of abuse is critical to your safety.

Domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, it’s all abuse and it is not always physical. Learn how you can get help and how you can help others.

T.H. & Jess learn about the types of programs and support people might find at a shelter when escaping an abusive marriage.

With collaborative divorce, you get an instant team of professionals including mental health and family specialists to help you divorce outside of court.

Attorneys & Family Law

Your divorce and family law attorney will help fight for what is fair for you, and what is best for any minor children involved in the divorce. They will advocate for you in conflicts, help you find assets that you may be unaware of, and advise you during the settlement process. The divorce and family law attorney partners at exEXPERTS have contributed incredible tips for dealing with conflict, informing you of your rights, and laying out expectations for navigating the dissolution process.

Divorce Rights

What are your rights during a divorce? Do you get the house? How often will the children be with you? Can you relocate out of state in the middle of a divorce? The team at exEXPERTS can help you understand your rights as they pertain to property, assets, and minor children while going through a divorce. 

Preparing for Divorce

Deciding to end a marriage is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. So, it’s smart to spend time preparing, by getting help from professionals. You can build a team of advisors such as a Financial Advisor who will walk you through financial considerations. You may decide to connect with a Marriage and Family Counselor to help you come to peace with your decision. And unless you plan to represent yourself, retaining a divorce and family law attorney can help by answering all of the many, many questions that will arise during the process. 

Types of Divorce

There are a variety of ways to legally end your marriage. In an amicable dissolution, where you and your ex agree on the division of property, assets, and custody, a summary dissolution or simplified divorce may be an option. In other cases, flaring tensions may lead to a highly contentious, litigated divorce. Depending on where you live, you may also decide to file a fault divorce instead of a no-fault divorce. Or you and your ex may agree to work through your divorce collaboratively, agreeing to a settlement without the need for a judge. The community we've created and the professionals we’ve partnered with at exEXPERTS can help you to learn more about the different types of divorce that you may decide to pursue. 


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