Alimony & Child Support + Finances After Divorce + Paying for Divorce

For most people, getting a divorce doesn’t come cheap (emotionally, financially, or both). But ending a marriage doesn’t have to break your spirit or the bank. It does, however, require a clear picture of where you stand financially in the now so you can plan for a financially stable future. Whether you need help budgeting after a divorce, tips for protecting assets you brought into the marriage, or guidance on your insurance rights after a divorce, exEXPERTS offers incredible resources and advice from the experts, including:

  • Simple steps to safeguard your financial security during a divorce
  • Best financial apps for managing money
  • Expert tips for equitably dividing assets
  • The role of a forensic accountant (hint: to find money your spouse may have hidden)
  • How to financially plan for your children after your divorce
  • Much more

Financial literacy may not sound sexy, but it can be a lifesaver during divorce. There’s only one way to avoid the fear – learn your financial situation!

As our divorce guide to financial independence, Stacy Francis teaches us how to invest, how to save, and how to be financially literate.

Organizing your finances and creating a budget during/after divorce can be overwhelming, but here are the four main things to know and do to be prepared.

Budgeting for divorce is essential to your overall financial health. Use the divorce budget worksheet and tips to balance what you make and what you spend.

How can you pay for your divorce? Money causes stress and relief, if you have a plan and a budget for your divorce.

Alimony & Child Support

Determining spousal support and or child support can be the most challenging aspect of uncoupling. While some exes may be able to reach mutually agreeable monthly sums, other divorcing couples may find themselves in a fight to end all fights. The exEXPERTS community of Family Law and Divorce Attorneys, Certified Financial Planners, Financial Advisors, Money Mindset Coaches, CPAs, tax experts, and more provide free insights and information to help you determine what you need (and deserve!) to care for yourself and any minor children. 

Finances After Divorce

Whether you’re fearful of supporting yourself, newly responsible for financial planning for the future, or need help getting a mortgage as a newly single person, there are a lot of what-ifs when it comes to finances after a divorce. Our team of Financial advisors, Certified Divorce Lending Professionals, Real Estate Attorneys, Wills, Trusts, and Estates Attorneys offer up their best advice for figuring out finances after a divorce, with the exEXPERTS community.

Paying for Divorce

Who pays for the court fees? Who is responsible for retaining the lawyer? How can the cost of a divorce be fairly split? When it comes to divorce, the costs can quickly add up. Fortunately, our esteemed panel of exEXPERTS is here to answer all of your questions about who pays for what. Moreover, you’re likely to be introduced to opportunities such as divorce funding, that you never knew existed. 

Join the exEXPERTS Community

We are thrilled to have you as a member of our community. Get started by creating your profile today to connect to a supportive community of friends, and don’t forget to claim your free exEXPERTS Divorce Rulebook