
LPC, Owner & Founder

The Marriage Place


Kim Bowen

Why we chose her:

Kim educated us on this technique, discernment therapy, and how it worked for her relationship in her marriage, and wanted to help others who were in marriages that didn’t have to end in divorce. It saved her marriage.

One Thing she wants You To Know:
Marriage is supposed to be hard and that doesn't mean it isn't a good one. It's hard because it grows each partner up emotionally.

No sex…that’s a problem, but how do you know it’s THE problem with your marriage? Sexless marriage won’t work for most people so facing it is important.

Tips on what to do in a sexless marriage, is divorce the only option? Maybe not…

Marriages can be saved even if only ONE partner wants to stay married. See what our exEXPERT has to say about using Discernment Therapy to discuss divorce.

What if you want to stay in your marriage? Discernment Therapy can help couples identify the strengths in their relationship. Maybe it can work, or not.