mySTUFF Top 5 Divorce etc… Podcasts About House & Stuff

Top 5 Divorce etc… podcast episodes about mySTUFF including the house, organizing for and after divorce, property, assets and more.

  1. Organizing Your Life For Divorce, S3, Episode 12 with Laurie Palau
  2. Covering Your Ass in Real Estate During Divorce, S3, Episode 71 with Jill Sodafsky
  3. Why Your Must Have a New Trust & Estate Plan Post Divorce, S1, Episode 12 with Laura Cowan
  4. What Should I Do With My Engagement Ring After Divorce? S3, Episode 6 with Stephanie Gottlieb
  5. Top Tips for Selling Your Home After Divorce, S2, Episode 47 with Melissa Rubenstein

The mySTUFF section of also includes topics on Career & Education, Holidays, Self-Care, Dating and Support.

Each of these interviews has a podcast to listen to, an accompanying article and the full transcript. Each of these exEXPERTS can be found at For any additional questions, email Stay tuned for the round up of our top Divorce etc… podcast episodes for each of our other categories: myWALLET, myFAMILY, myDIVORCE and mySELF.

You can listen to all of these episodes at as well as on all podcast platforms.

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