Child Custody + Children and Divorce + Co-Parenting + Pets + Step-Parenting

There’s no denying that a divorce changes the family dynamic. However, that doesn’t mean your divorce has to permanently fracture your family. Believe it or not, a divorce frequently leads to healthier, happier adults which can translate to happier, healthier kids. But first, you’ll need to resolve custody issues and learn to amicably co-parent with your ex. exEXPERTS is here for you as you navigate your new family structure. You’ll find helpful how-to articles, Q & A interviews, and personal stories detailing how others successfully navigated common and complex challenges of a divorce when children are involved, such as:

  • The benefits of using a parent coordinator in a contentious divorce
  • Tips for maintaining a friendly relationship with your ex
  • Best ways to talk to children about your divorce
  • Where to find support for your children during a divorce 
  • What to do if your ex doesn’t honor the divorce and custody agreement 
  • Much more

Travel is a luxury, especially as a single, divorced parent. Copilots for Coparents takes care of everything so you can take your kids on amazing trips.

What is ok to share with your kids when you’re getting a divorce? Should you tell them about the affair? Do your kids need to know? T.H. shares here.

The top 5 Divorce etc… myFamily podcasts with the exEXPERTS that focus on co-parenting, step-parenting, child custody, kids & divorce and more.

How do we know if are kids are okay through and after divorce? We asked co-parenting expert Christina McGhee to help us and help you to help our kids.

Divorced dads’ perspective on Father’s Day, co-parenting, mistakes made in marriage and reflection from when he was married vs. being divorced.

Mother’s Day for moms is supposed to be great, but not when you are in a bad marriage. Post-divorce holidays are better as we heard from Michelle Dempsey.

exEXPERTS speaks with Relationship Crisis Coach, Jessica Frew, about divorcing her husband because he’s gay. She shares tips and how to move forward.

Sarah Armstrong shared so much with friends about her journey as a divorced mom, that she wrote a book so we can all benefit from her successful choices.

exEXPERTS is talking about the daunting role of being a step-parent or a bonus parent. It’s a new dynamic with kids, parents and partners.

exEXPERTS interviewed Luke Entrup about harmonious coparenting and whether its possible even with a difficult relationship after divorce.

Co parenting is hard and parent expert, Jay Skibbens, gives tips for dads and moms as they navigate a new parenting situation with exEXPERTS.

Sara Olsher created tools that kids love, and has written books, all to help divorced parents co-parent while staying focused on the child.

Co-parenting with a difficult person, after divorce is hard. Sabrina teaches us how to navigate it all without hurting ourselves along the way.

What to tell your kids about your divorce is hard to figure out, so Grace Casper from Divorce Tips From Kids gives specific advice on how to handle it.

Knowing what you can and can’t say is crucial during divorce, and lawyer Seth Nelson tells what communications you can use as evidence, and what to avoid.

Co-parenting can be made much easier if you use a parenting app. FAYR founder, Michael Daniels, tells how and why these apps are game-changers.

Co-parenting is always difficult, even with an amicable divorce. Jay gets it, and teaches you in simple terms, how to work with your ex to benefit the kids

MUST SEE! SPLIT & SPLIT UP: The Teen Years are amazing resources for parents & kids going through divorce. KIDS are speaking up, so parents need to listen!

SPLIT UP is a movie by kids for parents going through a divorce. It’s a platform for kids to be heard and an opportunity for parents to listen.

Co-parenting with a difficult ex leads to questions, fear and can be overwhelming. Christina McGhee helps you avoid some common mistakes.

Protecting your kids when divorcing a narcissist is scary, overwhelming and expensive. exEXPERT Christina McGhee provides tips to help you.

Protecting yourself in case your ex doesn’t follow the divorce agreement can be a lifesaver. Tracy Malone explains how to do this with a simple clause.

A Parent Coordinator may sound scary but it can actually help your co-parenting situation.

Needing a Parent Coordinator may sound scary, but it can actually be a benefit in high-conflict divorce.

Child Custody

Determining child custody is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce. Should your children split their time evenly between you and your ex? Is fighting for sole custody in the best interest of your children? Can you and your spouse agree on custody, or would you benefit from a parent coordinator? Thanks to our esteemed team of experts at exEXPERTS, we’ve answered many of these questions for you in articles, podcasts, and Q&As.

Children and Divorce

No matter how amicable your divorce may be, your children will be impacted. However, that doesn’t mean that a divorce has to negatively impact children. We’ve partnered with experienced Marriage and Family Therapists, Coaches, and Parent Coordinators who provide invaluable insight into ways to support your children as the family takes a new shape.. From unique ideas such as creating divorce agreements amongst family members to advice on helping children adjust to spending time in two homes, you’ll find informative, and often enlightening ideas on how to best help children navigate a divorce.


What does a healthy co-parenting arrangement look like? How can co-parenting with a difficult ex be made easier? How do you help your children when their other parent doesn’t show up for the children, either physically or emotionally? Co-parenting takes getting used to, but we’ve pulled the best-of-the-best tips, strategies, and insights from our experts to help guide you through the process of successful co-parenting. 


Not all couples have human children, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have babies. So, how do you determine pet custody in a divorce? You may be surprised to learn that considerations similar to those used to determine custody of children may be involved. Who spends the most time with the cats? Who feeds and walks the dog? What living situation is in the best interest of your four-legged family members? Our marriage and family law attorney partners at exEXPERTS help answer these questions and more.   


If you’re welcoming a new partner into the lives of your children, or you’re becoming a step-parent for the first time, you may have questions. A lot of questions. Fortunately, we’ve got the experts who have the insights, tips, and answers you need, and they have shared them with the exEXPERTS community in articles, podcasts, and interviews. 


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