Attorneys & Family Law + Divorce Rights + Preparing for Divorce + Types of Divorce

Divorce is nothing if not extremely personal. Your divorce is probably not going to look like your coworker’s divorce, and may not resemble your own parents’ divorce in the slightest. Whether you are thinking about divorce, you need help navigating the legalities of divorce, or you’re looking for help moving forward after your divorce, exEXPERTS is on your side. You’ll find incredible resources, practical suggestions, and honest answers to questions about divorce at exEXPERTS including:

  • How to find the right divorce attorney
  • Understanding your rights during a divorce
  • How to prepare for filing for divorce
  • Learning about different types of divorce
  • And many more divorce topics…

A private investigator is not necessary for everyone heading towards or going through a divorce, however, Jan tells you when a PI is helpful and worth it!

Is your ex is being honest about the money? A business valuator can help, especially if you shared a business during your marriage, truth be told!

Wondering if money is hidden when negotiating your divorce? Melissa Gragg helps you understand how a business valuator can help.

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a process that takes time and self-reflection. Get exEXPERT tips from someone who has lived through it and thrived!

Understanding what type of person you are dealing with during your divorce is critical to a productive divorce and productive after-divorce life!

Healing and co-parenting with your narcissist ex is challenging, to say the least. Ina guides you on how to navigate it and you will be ok.

This is a rare opportunity to understand what you can expect when you are heading to court for your divorce. Honorable Siegal shares some secrets.

The rare opportunity for you to hear what a judge would advise people who entered her family law court, and things you need to know when getting divorced.

Parents do the best they can, but when you have a special needs child you don’t know what to do! Then add divorce to that! We have tips & guidance for you!

Divorce is a process that’s difficult to manage with so many people involved. Jennifer Lazor identifies what you can control in your divorce.

Representing yourself in court is also called pro se or pro per, which means “for one’s self” Managing your expectations & educating yourself is critical.

Representing yourself in your divorce is challenging. Attorney Sandra Fava shares what you need to know, tips for being prepared, and things to consider.

DIY your divorce? Yes, it can be done but it’s not for everyone couple. Learn more here to find out if it’s the right approach to dissolving your marriage.

DIY Divorce? Yes – it’s a thing and Hello, Divorce is one of the packages you can buy to help you get through an amicable divorce.

Not all men are narcissists, but there are plenty of DIFFICULT men. Nawal is an expert in divorcing a difficult person.

Divorce involves a lot of information, communication, and emotion. You don’t get many choices, but there is one thing you can control!

Divorce Coaches can help you figure out what you need and where to begin as far as your divorce, family, and the kind of outcome you want from a divorce.

Abby, a mediator & divorce coach, used writing to help her uncover her feelings about her divorce, a new marriage, and blending families.

Celebrity divorce attorney for Kanye West & others is very insightful in what to look out for, how to keep cool, and gives us celebrity divorce insight.

There are surprising things that celebrity divorce can teach us, particularly how to have a quiet, quick, successful separation while preserving yourself.

Michelle Dempsey shares her divorce story & how she helps others navigate their own journeys. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a start.

Relocating to sunny Florida sounds great, unless you are co-parenting younger children. Sandra Fava explains what you need to know and consider.

Covid created a shift that affected kids of divorce, co-parenting, and child support because some parents moved to different states. How do you navigate?

Renee tells it like it is! She was helping people through their divorces as an attorney, but personally, her marriage was unraveling. Read more!

Attorneys & Family Law

Your divorce and family law attorney will help fight for what is fair for you, and what is best for any minor children involved in the divorce. They will advocate for you in conflicts, help you find assets that you may be unaware of, and advise you during the settlement process. The divorce and family law attorney partners at exEXPERTS have contributed incredible tips for dealing with conflict, informing you of your rights, and laying out expectations for navigating the dissolution process.

Divorce Rights

What are your rights during a divorce? Do you get the house? How often will the children be with you? Can you relocate out of state in the middle of a divorce? The team at exEXPERTS can help you understand your rights as they pertain to property, assets, and minor children while going through a divorce. 

Preparing for Divorce

Deciding to end a marriage is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. So, it’s smart to spend time preparing, by getting help from professionals. You can build a team of advisors such as a Financial Advisor who will walk you through financial considerations. You may decide to connect with a Marriage and Family Counselor to help you come to peace with your decision. And unless you plan to represent yourself, retaining a divorce and family law attorney can help by answering all of the many, many questions that will arise during the process. 

Types of Divorce

There are a variety of ways to legally end your marriage. In an amicable dissolution, where you and your ex agree on the division of property, assets, and custody, a summary dissolution or simplified divorce may be an option. In other cases, flaring tensions may lead to a highly contentious, litigated divorce. Depending on where you live, you may also decide to file a fault divorce instead of a no-fault divorce. Or you and your ex may agree to work through your divorce collaboratively, agreeing to a settlement without the need for a judge. The community we've created and the professionals we’ve partnered with at exEXPERTS can help you to learn more about the different types of divorce that you may decide to pursue. 


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