Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

Becoming a “Mrs.” again after divorce is scary, but if you grow and learn what works and open your eyes to new experiences and people, you may reconsider!

Becoming who you are “meant to be” is a journey. Karen was meant to be Mrs. Karen Stanley, after divorce, self-growth, and then her life partner appeared.

Susan Guthrie’s newfound outlook on divorce is a refreshing perspective that will shed optimism on anyone facing uncertainty after divorce. 

Susan Guthrie, a leader in the mission to normalize divorce, shares her personal story. An attorney by day and at night preparing for her own divorce.

Abby, a mediator & divorce coach, used writing to help her uncover her feelings about her divorce, a new marriage, and blending families.

Will I find love again? How do I handle a Disney Dad or Mom? Advice about co-parenting when kids are in two homes? We answer your questions.

Matchmaking sounds easy, but it’s not. Love Coach, Julianne breaks down the myths and explains why it’s important to manage dating expectations.

Are you an influencer? Do you “WOO?” (Win Others Over?) Dan helps you identify your relationship strengths for yourself & any relationship you take on.

Blending families isn’t for everyone, it worked for Jessica, but not so much for Jen Hurvitz. She shares her opinion of what you should consider first!

Soo many fitness options to choose from, especially since COVID. Kristie started a program for anyone, along with a cheering squad to keep you motivated.

Despite a terrible and stressful marriage, Kristie stayed true to her skills of listening and encouraging others while starting her fitness business.

When looking for a job Jen suggests tapping into your skills and being true and authentic will help, even if you stayed home raising kids or had a job.

Margaret Josephs, from Real Housewives of NJ, shares the challenges in her marriage, with her blended family, and her career.

Margaret Josephs, known for her role in Bravo’s Real Housewives of NJ, talks about family, business, and how she has personally pivoted and moved forward.

Don’t know where to start when it comes to self-care? Play Self-Care Bingo with us! Start with a box. Work towards a row! And share your wins with us!

First dates can be scary. Will it lead to a first kiss? What about flirting? Susan Winter breaks it all down and gives you tools for post-divorce dating.

Mad Libs were always fun as kids, but for dating? Alyssa Dineen created a fun and effective way to build your dating profile.

Dating profiles are overwhelming, where do you begin? Alyssa Dineen, Style Your Profile, created a template to help you. Think Mad Libs meets dating apps.

A child of divorce and divorced mom herself, Michelle Dempsey has created a platform to help others navigate divorce with empathy and actionable steps.

Michelle Dempsey shares her divorce story & how she helps others navigate their own journeys. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a start.

Anxious about trying to find out some important info about someone new? Totally normal! But we still need to work these questions into the conversation.

Relationship expert, Susan Winter, shares her tips to handle and enjoy your first date after your divorce. This is a scary and exciting time!

Have you been tested for COVID? When was your last STI / STD test? Do you use condoms? Susan Winter helps you ask these questions with confidence.

Date coach? YES! She helps figure out what type of partner is the right match. Spoiler alert: it’s probably not someone you profile on your dating apps!