Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

Figuring out how much money you should be making in your job is difficult, but understanding your value is critical so you aren’t underselling yourself.

Finding a job, starting a new career & figuring out how much you should be paid is confusing. We can help guide you so you don’t undersell yourself!

How to rewrite your story after divorce, change the narrative in your head, and move forward in your life is explained by Emmy Winner Valerie Gordon.

The voice in your head seems to have more negative thoughts than positive ones. During divorce & beyond, it’s important to identify the truth!

Divorce is a process that’s difficult to manage with so many people involved. Jennifer Lazor identifies what you can control in your divorce.

Cheating…infidelity; no matter what the word it’s all ugly and usually leads to divorce. Cindy owns her infidelity and teaches others to move forward.

Losing control of your marriage, your life & yourself? Cindy was. With mutual infidelity, she got a divorce, became a coach, and teaches what she learned.

Tips for moving away from a relationship with a difficult person, who could be a narcissist but not necessarily. It’s abuse, but you can move forward.

Self-discovery and self-reflection are gifts of solo travel after divorce, regardless of where you go. Remember, it’s YOUR trip.

Climbing Kilimanjaro is similar to navigating a divorce, Daniel from DO40 shares his experience and shares what he unexpectedly learned.

Men think differently, men handle situations differently, and, big surprise, men recover from divorce differently. It’s always good to hear the other side.

Relationship coach, Rachel Sussman, says to most men: stop drinking, close the dating app, and let’s focus on YOU. Men suffer just like women.

Have you heard the little voice in your head? NLP is a process to help you switch the voice from a negative to a positive one, especially during divorce.

Want to shift your mindset? Improve your self-awareness and competence? A Neuro-Linguistic Program Practitioner could help you get there.

Ben & Nikki wrote the book Our Happy Divorce because their journey from friendship to marriage to parents to divorce and back to friendship is amazing!

When you start a divorce, it feels like it’s the worst thing in your life, but through the recovery, you can see that it’s the best thing in your life.

Allowing yourself time to recover, to feel the effects of divorce is part of healing and growing. This is a trauma and moving forward happens slowly.

Lucy, our REAL LIFE expert shares her story of abuse and how she turned her unhealthy marriage into an amicable co-parenting relationship and …remarried!

By working with herself, and with her new husband, Lucy is learning to triumph over divorce after military trauma.

We are answering your questions! Including how to “play house,” what if your ex is a “Disney-mom/dad,” and is there really a “right person” for me?

Divorce is not your new identity, according to the amazing Leslie Kaplan who has navigated her divorce with her positive attitude intact!

Becoming a “Mrs.” again after divorce is scary, but if you grow and learn what works and open your eyes to new experiences and people, you may reconsider!

Becoming who you are “meant to be” is a journey. Karen was meant to be Mrs. Karen Stanley, after divorce, self-growth, and then her life partner appeared.

Susan Guthrie’s newfound outlook on divorce is a refreshing perspective that will shed optimism on anyone facing uncertainty after divorce.