Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

No sex…that’s a problem, but how do you know it’s THE problem with your marriage? Sexless marriage won’t work for most people so facing it is important.

Tips on what to do in a sexless marriage, is divorce the only option? Maybe not…

Food can be your friend if you commit to a lifestyle change. There are no quick fixes, but there are resources to help, especially when stressed.

Food doesn’t have to be the enemy. Mindful eating includes balanced meals, moderation, and avoiding emotional eating. This is healthy eating!

A dating coach’s guide to midlife and how it can be a wonderful time in your life instead of a crisis.

Is loving divorce possible? Tara tells us divorce is not a problem, it’s a solution to a problem. What’s not to love about that?

Tara, a child of divorce, REAL LIFE expert & now a divorce coach, takes her experience and educates others. We love her perspective on loving Divorce!

Divorce is 2 parts mental/emotional struggle & 1 part business. Abby helps her clients balance BOTH sides of this life-altering experience.

After a separation/divorce, the thought of dating can be scary and exciting! Susan guides us on what we need to know when we have our first date, again!

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a process that takes time and self-reflection. Get exEXPERT tips from someone who has lived through it and thrived!

Understanding what type of person you are dealing with during your divorce is critical to a productive divorce and productive after-divorce life!

Healing and co-parenting with your narcissist ex is challenging, to say the least. Ina guides you on how to navigate it and you will be ok.

It’s important you understand the words that come from your mouth. Not all exes are narcissists, but some legitimately are (others are just assholes).

Moving during divorce is hard and we’ve done it more than a dozen times! Learn tips from us and how we’ve finally created homes that we love.

T.H. & Rebecca learned to co-parented with their ex-husbands to benefit their sons who struggle with anxiety, depression, learning challenges and autism.

Figuring out how much money you should be making in your job is difficult, but understanding your value is critical so you aren’t underselling yourself.

Finding a job, starting a new career & figuring out how much you should be paid is confusing. We can help guide you so you don’t undersell yourself!

How to rewrite your story after divorce, change the narrative in your head, and move forward in your life is explained by Emmy Winner Valerie Gordon.

The voice in your head seems to have more negative thoughts than positive ones. During divorce & beyond, it’s important to identify the truth!

Divorce is a process that’s difficult to manage with so many people involved. Jennifer Lazor identifies what you can control in your divorce.

Cheating…infidelity; no matter what the word it’s all ugly and usually leads to divorce. Cindy owns her infidelity and teaches others to move forward.

Losing control of your marriage, your life & yourself? Cindy was. With mutual infidelity, she got a divorce, became a coach, and teaches what she learned.

Tips for moving away from a relationship with a difficult person, who could be a narcissist but not necessarily. It’s abuse, but you can move forward.

Self-discovery and self-reflection are gifts of solo travel after divorce, regardless of where you go. Remember, it’s YOUR trip.