Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

Concerned about financial independence after your divorce and thinking about getting a job? Our interview will help you find a new job post divorce.

Divorce & Beyond, Advice from exEXPERTS is helpful divorce growth article that I wrote for RiverVale Neighbors Mag. You can read the full article here.

How should you handle a smear campaign by your ex? It’s an emotionally challenging situation that is difficult to manage, but we have tips on handling it.

It’s normal to feel like you’re losing your identity when you get divorced, and we have specific resets that help you move forward into your new beginning.

No one tells you how to prepare for being middle aged, no one tells you how to prepare for being divorced, except now. Listen here.

Talk about no BS! “Grow the F*ck Up: How to Be an Adult and Get Treated Like One” by NYT Best-Selling author Sarah Knight is a must read for everyone!

The perfect family is very different from what people perceived it to be in the past. T.H. explains that her family is perfect, for her, despite divorce.

Hear the 12 lifestyle factors that you can focus on, in order to manage and move on from the stress of divorce.

NY Times Bestselling Author Sarah Knight shares her witty wisdom for getting through life (and divorce) by facing the truth, but with a laugh.

Recovering from divorce can be a success and opportunity. Our exEXPERTS Lisa Marie Mazur explains how you can do this and live your best life!

Getting unstuck in your divorce is challenging but you can do it! Jennifer Medwin teaches us how to move forward during and beyond divorce.

If you build it, they will come. Just like women, men need support after divorce too, and Rob created it with WTF Divorce, just like we did with exEXPERTS.

You all know the stereotypes we believe fit divorced men. Rob Roseman, the creator of WTF Divorce, is busting myths about divorced men.

DATING is daunting, especially after divorce. Red flags for any new relationship, tips on dating and the dating apps and knowing if you are ready to date!

Post-divorce dating can be overwhelming and hard to navigate. Bela Gandhi from Smart Dating Academy can help you enjoy it and find a healthy relationship.

We all want people who understand, and Barbara does. As both a cancer and divorce survivor, she has been on a journey of self-discovery to thrive and grow.

Surviving cancer and divorce, at the same time takes immense strength and determination and that’s how Barbara is leading by example of what’s possible.

When things don’t go the way you planned during your divorce, there are things to do that will help you through it. Here are some tips from Wendy Sloane.

Wendy knows that Divorce Doesn’t Suck, but she wishes that she hadn’t been rushed into the process. Take a breath. Take your time.

Custody and parenting rights, post-divorce relationships, divorce attorney relationships and divorce budgeting are among our top 5 Divorce etc… podcasts!

Sadie wishes she knew earlier that happiness wasn’t found in another person, it comes from within. She’s worked it out and is ready for The Comeback!

Life after divorce is a process. The journey from grief to happiness is a journey that everyone does differently and in their own time.

Divorced over 40 was created by 3 adults who were looking for friends who understood what it felt like to be divorced, now it’s a community across the US.

Amy and Travis from Divorced Over 40 talk to us about the importance of finding community no matter what age or stage you are at. Do you have your people?