Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

Karen McMahon @JourneyBeyondDivorce has experienced divorce firsthand and is helping men and women move forward and understand what’s holding them back.

James and John share their sides of the Divorce Story so we can learn and better understand the guys’ perspective on divorce.

A man’s perspective is important in divorce. John and James and many men need support in healing post-divorce as much as women do.

What counts as abuse? ALL abuse is abuse. Understanding the pervasiveness of psychological abuse can save someone’s life. Here are the warning signs.

Kate Miller, in-house attorney at a women’s shelter, helps us understand domestic violence & abuse and how to get help.

The legal side of domestic abuse, emotional abuse and all abuse is important. Knowing your rights as a victim of abuse is critical to your safety.

T.H. & Jess learn about the types of programs and support people might find at a shelter when escaping an abusive marriage.

Barry Selby, relationship coach and best-selling author of, 50 Ways to Love Your Lover, talks about the “F word,” forgiveness. And it’s NOT what you think!

How to forgive my ex, isn’t really the question you need to be answered. Forgiveness after divorce has a lot less to do with your ex than you might think.

Will they swipe right? Learn to create the perfect dating profile! Our expert, Alyssa Dineen reveals the top mistakes others make (that you won’t)!

Everyone dreads creating a dating profile – author and expert Alyssa Dineen gives us dating tools so you can find someone who is right for you!

T.H. & Jess talk about “My Unorthodox Life” and how Julia Haart shows women everywhere, including us, that we can start a new life after divorce!

T.H. & Jessica share their impressions of Netflix’s “My Unorthodox Life” and why Julia Haart’s redesigned life from one extreme to another is so inspiring.

Finding a job after divorce can be stressful, get the skills, do the resume, create the profile on LinkedIn and bring your confidence!

Getting a new job after divorce can be scary. Learn how to land your post-divorce job, even if it’s been YEARS or the paid working world is new to you.

Lindsey Metselaar, host of the popular podcast “We Met at Acme” offers up some of her most valuable relationship lessons and dating advice.

“We Met At Acme” is a popular go-to resource for all of your dating questions, Lindsey Metselaar answers our divorce and dating questions.

Women supporting women is how B.I.G (Believe, Inspire, Grow) a community for women has grown and Founder Tara Gilvar tells us all about it.

During divorce, makeup and self-care might be the last thing on your mind, but Carmindy’s 5-minute face can return much needed confidence.

Carmindy, CEO of Carmindy Beauty created a 5-Minute Face method. These easy, quick beauty tips will help you get back out there with ease!

How a fairytale love may have made her ignore the signs it was unraveling. What she learned and how she became a female leader, reinvented 3 times over.

Do you know your triggers and how to overcome them? By identifying your triggers, you can learn to regulate the emotional effects on you and your kids.

Should I get divorced? Our very own T.H. shares what she wishes she knew about following her gut before and during her divorce.

Who are you if you’re not someone’s wife or husband? Understanding who you are and taking care of YOU is critical to recovery after divorce.