Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

You are NOT a whore if you want to have sex, catfishing, and chemistry matters. Those are some of the topics we talk about with sex therapist, Carli.

Sex after divorce is exciting and intimidating. Sex therapist Carli Blau normalizes your questions, concerns and thoughts, especially during this new time.

Renee tells it like it is! She was helping people through their divorces as an attorney, but personally, her marriage was unraveling. Read more!

Gabrielle Stone shares her no B.S. story of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery post-divorce and post-broken heart! It started as #FML and now she’s #LML.

WHY WE LOVE IT: Gabrielle Stone is f%cking awesome and The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl (the sequel to Eat, Pray, #FML) after her divorce!

Self-Discovery anyone? Gabrielle Stone shares her journey of shock from divorce, relationships only she understood, and a solo journey that healed her.#FML

T.H. had the opportunity to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. She prepared physically, but the true challenge was mental & emotional strength she hadn’t experienced.

Single in a home? Timisha, Toolbox Divas, teaches us what we must know when managing a home ourselves, how to fix things, and how to DIY!

Renee Bauer, now a leading voice in divorce coaching and moving forward shares her divorce story with exEXPERTS T.H. & Jessica.

Learn all you need to know about sex, and stuff you didn’t even think of. Post-divorce sex can be exciting as long as you keep it safe and set boundaries.

Simple tips to help you manage difficult occasions, first-time events (post-divorce), and the new life ahead of you – while handling the collateral damage.

Everything sex that you wanted to know, but may have been afraid to ask. Being single again you have a chance to do, and experience, things differently!

“NO” is a full sentence! Dr. Cohen shares practical and logical advice that we can use anytime, but certainly post-holiday.

Just like you, we’ve had ups and downs, triumphs and defeats, and everything in between – and we’re still here, stronger than ever! Join us in celebrating.

T.H. & Jess share their lessons learned from 2021 and ongoing struggles. But perspective and supporting one another keeps them moving forward.

Does going through a divorce mean it has to be your identity forever? T.H and Jess chat with Tanisha and Najiyyah about this stigma that needs to change.

Rebound or love? When it comes to understanding your relationship, like any good self-work it’s all about giving your thoughts and feelings a voice. 

How do you know if it’s real or rebound? We’re all for getting out there – living and loving life… but keep a handle on reality too.

T.H. and Jess have a conversation with Rabbi Adina Lewittes about spirituality, divorce, and the ways to serve yourself best during a difficult time.

Divorce and religion – not an easy mix. Divorce can impact your relationships with family, friends, and yes, God.

We speak to another set of best friends who have lived through and thrived since their divorce, and don’t allow that experience to define them!

What’s ok? All of it. We’re telling you, it’s ok. What you’re going through, what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking – it’s ok. YOU are ok. And so are we

The stigma of divorce is out there, and change is up to us. Let’s normalize the fact that many marriages don’t work. Stop judging, start supporting!

Marriage counseling isn’t always about saving a marriage. It can also be about realizing you can’t and communicating that with your spouse in a safe space.